
Instant soup is a type of Soup designed for fast and simple preparation and likewise Pasta is a staple at most dinner tables, and for good reason it’s ready in a snap, easy on your wallet and provides a whole some meal.

Both Instant Soup and Pasta are mixed with Spices and Ingredients for flavour and Full bodied tastes. Pakona’s years of experience, enables it to offer various innovative packaging solutions on its Horizontal & Vertical Form Fill Seal Machines, manufactured with your needs in mind.

Related Machines

Horizontal Form Fill Seal:
PK-91, PK-92, PK-100, FBM

Vertical Form Fill Seal:

PK-30 (Twin)
Flat Sachet 3 Side Seal
Flat Sachet 4 Side Seal
Doypack Hangar hole
Zipper Doypack Eurohole
Zipper Doypack
Flat Sachet 4 Side

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